Cancer Prevention: Bird-eye or symptom control approach; which is the best?



Overweight, obesity, tobacco, poor diet quality, physical inactivity and excessive alcohol use are shared risk factors which lead to diabetes, heart disease or cancer.

Obesity is a major cancer risk factor, likely to cause about 20 percent of cancers in the united kingdom, according to the Cancer Research UK. Likewise, overweight and obesity contribute to diabetes and cardiovascular disease, causing 58 percent of type 2 diabetes and 21 percent of ischemic heart disease (according to the World Heart Federation).

So when it comes to prevention and or control of any of these chronic conditions; isn’t it wise to aim to treat that individual as a whole rather than categorising the condition? A

Researchers are now aiming to create an awareness to do exactly the same (Byers 2015) which is positive change!

So if you want to lead a healthy life and prevent life threatening conditions like cancer, answer is simple!

Enjoy nutritious meal, engage in physical activities, practice mindfulness and live a meaningful life with your friends and family. This will ensure that you will be at your ideal weight away from diabetes, away from addictions like alcohol or tobacco, and will be vibrating with high energy!


Best wishes,

Pranita Salunke

Health Promotional Occupational Therapist, MSc Preventive Cardiology.

Vitality Health Clinic



Byers 2015:


Purpose and your health.



Working with many people in my 16 years of clinical practice; I discovered one truth…

“ You don’t die when you loose your heart beat, you DIE when you lose your purpose and meaning of life”

 Meaningful and passionate life is what makes us be truly alive or dead!

Losing that meaning is when we see young kids raised on the state benefits getting killed unnaturally .


I see similar situations every day!

A strong urge to share this feeling with you aroused when I met a 65-year-old Ms. B in the hospital I work. I attempted to teach a simple breathing exercise to her and, in spite of ability to do them; she insisted someone’s encouragement and presence else refusal to engage in them. The thing is; for last many years she has become severely dependent on her family. Her 3 daughters do her personal hygiene; washing and dressing her, even helping her with toileting, they put food and drink on her lap and care for her 24 hr/7 days a week! Even though she can at least participate in half of the tasks, if she puts her mind into doing it.

But after interviewing her, her eyes conveyed the sense the loss of meaning and drive to contribute.

She is now admitted with fall and severe infection and being nursed for 24hr/7 just like she used for so many years.

When Ms. B refused to compline, I could feel that there is no energy in her soul. I know deep  in my heart that even though she survives this hospitalisation ; it will be a matter of few days that her body will follow the suit of her soul.

On the other hand, we see this very old lady vendor on the rural streets of India , a sincere smile from a heart and hope for future.indian-vendor

We see a dedicated and passionate athlete like The Little Master, Sachin Tendulkar. Perhaps,the greatest batsman of all time who almost ended his career prematurely when the doctors said that it might be impossible for him to play at the highest level again. But converting impossible to I M Possible Sachin came back strongly and was a part of Indian World Cup winning team in 2011.


Passion for their craft was what made Tiger woods, Lance Armstrong and Michael Jordan to return to and become emperor of their sports creating history for a new generation to be inspire.

This meaningful life is why I see my clients and many motivated individuals enjoy a good health and sense of wellbeing.

But going beyond that,

  • I see them creating a beautiful literature for many readers to enjoy.
  • I see them shifting their priorities and offering compassionate care to their old mothers.
  • I see them running for THEIR charity in deserts of Sahara’s.

So believe me your diet or activity level or your health markers alone are not going to determine how long your heart beat will last but your MISSION will!

 My challenge to you,

Find your mission, find your purpose, today!



Pranita Salunke

Occupational Therapist, MSc Preventive Cardiology.

Vitality Health Clinic is formed with a purpose of

Eliminating the threat of chronic conditions across the world and help people to live a vibrant life”



Transform into your magnificence.


Have you seen a small baby coming into the world complaining of any weight issues? Complaining of lethargy or tiredness? Simply NO….the little babies are full of energy, vibrancy ,vitality and lightness.

What happens as babies turns to little humans and then adults?

Many reasons, but today lets just focus on one.

A baby is like freshly hatched caterpillar into a butterfly unknown to the outside conditioning of parents, friends or media. Her inner being is safely protected until she is in the loving nourishing cocoon of her mother. As soon as she progresses through her life her inner being is exposed to those influences and gradually her lighter soul is weighed down with limiting beliefs which results in unhealthy behaviours and ultimately chronic ailments and weight issues.

 “Often our outside manifestation of ill health is hidden in our inner being.”


So what if you can devote some time to nourish your inner being by building a cocoon around you?

“A cocoon of positive thoughts, engagement in self-loving activities, accepting love and kindness from others.”


Your cocoon will further strengthen by

  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Letting go of any resistance, any boundaries of past, present and future.
  • Forgiving your self and others
  • Talking to your best friend or mentor or simply to yourself.


When you engage in these activities your cocoon will get strong hour by hour; day by day; month by month and one day, your inner being will comes alive once again …ready to fly, ready to be transformed into a sparkling, light , colourful and magnificent butterfly!!!


That is my hope for you and wishing you well with my quote:

 Our outer beauty and wellness starts with our inner transformation”


Pranita Salunke

Occupational Therapist, MSc Preventive Cardiology

Specialist in Weight loss, Diabetes control and bringing  Vitality in your life.

A survey to enhance care for diabetes

  1. What was your reaction when you heard first time that you/ your children have a diagnosis of diabetes/pre-diabetes. Describe your emotions regarding diagnosis , (costant worry over the course of diabetes, fear of diabetes complications, loss of control/powerless or any other feelings )


2. Did  you felt supported by your social circle of family and friends?

3. Did you felt supported by healthcare professionals with right resources in easily understandable language?

4.   Was information given to you regarding lifestyle changes made a significant difference to your insulin control?

5.     Have your feelings changed positively or negatively in 6 months after your diagnosis?

6.     What following factors of your lifestyle influenced positively and negatively to your insulin control from the point of your diagnosis.

  •  Inactivity
  • Stress
  •  Hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia affecting activity
  • Emotional support
  • Sleep
  • Digestion

7.     What are the 3 things would you like to see differently in the way healthcare providers approach management of diabetes?




Practice NEAT(ly) for optimum health


So you have been told eat well and exercise better and you will loose weight. Wrong!

If you do both of the above things and sit in front of computer all day, sit for long meeting, sit on sofa for hours after your gym session, you will see some results but those could be enhanced by one simple change in your life called, NEAT!

Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) is the energy you use for everything else apart from sleep, eating, sports activity the range of activities vary from energy expended walking to work, typing, gardening, and even fidgeting.

What it does to you?

NEAT increase metabolic rate and therefore your use of energy hence it is as important to consider when you are focusing on optimum health may be via a weight loss or disease control or jlooking to enhance your energy.

Some animal studies suggest that activities in part of brain called hypothalamus which regulates many functions such as functions such as temperature regulation, thirst, hunger, sleep, mood, sex drive, and the release of other hormones within the body.

We can agree that industrialisation has changed a modern man from our active ancestors, creating increase in disease.

Two of my clients got an immense benefit from this; a middle age man with resistant (to any treatment) migraine headache, stopped having headache since he started working in standing position. Similarly my client who comes for healthy weight she saw improvements on scale by working using standing desk.

So friends, lets go back to EASE from DISEASE by being more NEAT!

I will be sharing more practical advise about this on my this weeks video blog.

If you find this advise helpful please share it among your friends and encourage them to be more NEAT.

If you have any questions regarding this article, please feel free to contact me by commenting or email :

Until, we meet in person.Live well, Live with Vitality and embrace a vibrant life!


PubMed 2002, LevineJA, Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT).

Work Stress: Save life of your staff and your business!

Garrapata Surf #1 - Garrapata State Park, Big Sur, California

Did you know that more heart attacks and sudden deaths occur on a Monday than on any other day of the week?

Although more concrete research is needed, anticipation of stress and anxiety of returning to work could be contributing factors for these findings.

So what it stress?

Work-related stress, depression or anxiety is defined as a harmful reaction people have to undue pressures and demands placed on them at work.

In 2014/15 stress was accounted for 35% of all work-related ill health cases and 43% of all working days lost due to ill health.

So what does stress do to your body?

  • ▪  Stress can interfere with sleep and appetite.
  • ▪  When you perceive a situation to be stressful your body releaseshormone cortisol and epinephrine (adrenaline), which prepareyour body for flight or fight response.
  • ▪  In turn, these hormones releases more sugar and fat.
  • ▪  Over the period of time, your immunity is affected.
  • ▪  Your body starts the inflammatory process.Ultimate results?Employees who are experiencing work-related stress are more prone to chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, frequent infection and even heart attack.

    The effect on the employer?

    Employees may stop taking lunch breaks or alienate themselves from others thus impacting team relations. They may make mistakes in their work which could cost the business time and money.

    Loss of productivity and loss of key staff members will lead to increased sickness absence.

    7 tips for individuals to reduce work place stress

1. Become aware of the triggers: Identify the triggers to your stress.

· The people: is communication with your annoying manager or your colleague stressful to you?
· Environments and interactions: are you stressed when you have to give presentations or have to deal with a particular client?

· Now understand your response to the situation. Is the situation or response in your control? If not then letting it go can be the best coping strategy.

2. Observe your body

When you feel stressed observe what happens to your body. Do your muscles tighten up, does your neck feel tense? Does your breathing become shallow? Intentionally shift your physiology by taking 10 deep breaths or leave the situation and take 10 minutes short walk.

3. Control your thinking

Journaling your thoughts in a response to a stressful situation will help to identify unhelpful thoughts which produce unpleasant feelings and behavior. A professional can help you with techniques such
as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Mindfulness to change dysfunctional thoughts.

4. Learn to say ‘NO’

Excess demand and less time or skill can often be overwhelming and lead to stress response. If you really feel that demands placed on you are beyond your capabilities realise that it is ok to say ‘NO’.

5. Take a step back, relax and reflect

The definition of relaxation is different for everyone so find the best method that suits your style; whether it is mindfulness, meditation, yoga or simply listening to music. Find out how your body responds to the various techniques.

6. Resolve inner conflict and connect with your soul
Occasionally stress arrives from misalignment between your work and

your unique vision and passion.

Take an honest look at your situation, seek help with your manager professional and change the situation or else any other strategy will not be useful in removing the stress.

7. Seek professional help

If the above strategies do not produce results, seek the help of a

health professional. Creating a tailor made a solution for you and your organization will ensure that you create a happy work environment in which your employees have the health and creativity to produce an epic workplace.

Best wishes,

Pranita Salunke Vitality Health Clinic

Occupational Therapist, MSc Preventive Cardiology

Vitality Health Clinic conducts a series of Stress Management workshops for various organisations. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have.

References are available upon request.

You are creator of your health.

Self-Empowerment-1Each one of us has the ability to heal ourself from any chronic conditions. This is absolutely possible when we align our motivation and stronger mindset with right structure and strategy.

Visualise a person receiving a diagnosis of chronic condition be it diabetes which causes disruption to their quality of life  or more life-threatening conditions such as cancer, where the fear death hangs on your head every day. The first thing that happens is the person ‘loses his self-power’ and relies on external measures/plan created by his doctor,dietician, and surgeon.

But now having experience of successfully guiding (note: not treating) my  clients away from those fears, I can confidently say that when you regain that self-power by working on developing the stronger mindset to create your own ultimate health, that’s when true healing starts to happen; INSIDE OUT.

So, I welcome you to take this challenge of choosing not to give your power away and recover from overweight, diabetes, by empowering yourself!

If you have any questions regarding this article, please feel free to contact me by commenting or email :

Until, we meet in person.

Live well, Live with Vitality.


Multitasking: Healthy/ Unhealthy?

multitaskingMultitasking was rated as one of the great skills by many of the employers. Not anymore! Leaders in business growth are proving that it creates poor quality work.

I hear the stories and complaints from my clients that because of multitasking they lack clarity and focus and, therefore, resorts to poor habits detrimental to their health, work and relationships.

Personally, when I transited my thinking from being distracted with many tasks in my hand to devoting my full attention to one task or a person in front of me, I have started getting results in the form of rewarding work and most meaningful and satisfactory relationship.

Although life and work often demand us to multitask, we just have to be mindful of its close relation with stress and another health impact.

So, I invite you to challenge yourself to take 5 minutes every few hours and ask yourself, what is the impact I want to have by doing so many things or conversation at the same time?

Instead evaluate your priorities and give your undivided attention to a task which is going to produce epic work and meaningful work and life conversations.